Blue Lines Partners with Ecomar Propulsion as Dealer for Romania

Blue Lines is happy to announce our new partnership as a dealer for Ecomar Propulsion in Romania, as well as a collaborator in the development of the final products.

Blue Lines is happy to announce our new partnership as a dealer for Ecomar Propulsion in Romania, as well as a collaborator in the development of the final products. Their line of maritime propulsion and energy systems provides a viable and efficient alternative for Romanian businesses committed to reducing their environmental impact while enhancing operational performance.

Two flagship products of Ecomar Propulsion allow businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, lower costs and comply with strict environmental regulations:

ARKA Outboard Systems

With powerbands ranging from 80kW to 200kW, ARKA outboards are designed exclusively for commercial operation. This range features several patented technologies and a unique modular capability, making replacement and repair incredibly efficient and cost-effective.

KAIROS Inboard Systems

KAIROS inboards, designed as part of an integrated system that includes batteries (and optional hydrogen), offer power ranges from 80kW to 1MW. These systems are aimed at maximizing efficiency and range extension, making them suitable for larger vessels.

One of the standout benefits of Ecomar Propulsion’s systems is their remote monitoring capability. Fleet managers can remotely oversee the systems, ensuring optimal performance and identifying potential issues before they become critical.

“It’s like having three sets of eyes in the engine room without any of the cost.”

Eugene Bari – CEO, Ecomar Propulsion

Blue Lines is also working closely with Ecomar Propulsion on product development. Leveraging our expertise in naval architecture and their advanced propulsion technology, we can develop high-performance vessels that support sustainable practices in the maritime industry while minimizing costs.

This partnership is another important step Blue Lines takes to help our clients meet the demands of modern marine transportation. Through our collaboration with Ecomar Propulsion, we continue to expand our portfolio of eco-friendly and reliable solutions that offer both environmental benefits and operational excellence.